Thursday, September 23, 2010

How School is Different Than I Expected

There is a lot of sitting around doing nothing in the afternoon because we are slaves to the clock.  The state board will only let you get 8 hours and 5 minutes a day unless it is because a service went over at the end of the day.  They don't want us making a habit of this, so we don't take clients after 3:00 p.m.  4:00 p.m. is the start of clean up and we leave at 5:00 p.m.  Our cleaning duties take anywhere from 2 to 15 minutes and add another 5 minutes to tidy your station and roll about you can see that leaves extra time.  So we sit.  I am not good at doing nothing - my mom might disagree with that statement - but really just sitting and doing nothing at all drives me bonkers!

I expected to have learned more by now.  In theory, I could be out on the floor because it only takes 5 weeks to accumulate the required 150 hours of training before you can be turned loose on the lab floor.  Super scary for the unsuspecting public!  I feel we have barely scratched the surface of things we need to know.  I realize the lab floor (practice salon) is still a learning environment, but I also feel it is an opportunity to practice what you know and learn to improve upon your foundation. 

Running out of time this morning!

To be continued . . .


Confident One